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Monday, June 25, 2007

Equipped for War - Part 2

Ephesians 6:17-18a

It is of vital importance to remember that none of these articles of military clothing and equipment are of human manufacture; such would be powerless against the "wiles of the devil". Each piece has its source in and focus on God alone.

1. Truth - more than honesty, sincerity of heart; confident belief in absolute truth of God

2. Righteousness - the imputed righteousness of Christ

3. Preparedness - readiness that comes from the Gospel

4. Faith - objective, justifying and saving

5. Salvation - more properly, the hope of salvation

take - to receive or accept an object or benefit for which the initiative rests with the giver, but the focus of attention in the transfer is upon the receiver. Louw-Nida
The verb thus expresses the "reaction to action on the other side." TDNT
His joyful salvation, [compared] to a helmet which glitters from afar Isa_59:17 K&D
Signifying that God has all means at hand to deliver his Church and to punish their enemies. Geneva Notes on Isa 59:17
Hope of salvation is of great use to a Christian many ways: it is a cordial to comfort him, a spur to quicken him, a staff to support him, a bridle to restrain him, and so also a helmet to defend him: and therefore no wonder that the apostle calls true hope a lively hope, 1Pe_1:3. And as itself is lively, so it is a defence to the life of the soul, as a helmet is to the life of the body. Poole on 1Th 5:8
Most importantly, we must remember Psa_68:20 "Our God is the God of salvation" and Jon_2:9 "Salvation is of the Lord". Salvation does not begin with us, it does not depend on us in any way, it is not something we can gain or lose except by God's fiat. It began with God, all the conditions were met by God, it is bestowed by God, and its culmination belongs only to God.

Our salvation is both present and future - we are saved and are being saved. We are saved from condemnation but not from all the consequences. We have been regenerated, pardoned, justified and adopted, we are being sanctified and we will be glorified. We have the indwelling Holy Spirit as a surety or guarantee of our complete salvation as also the promise that "he who has begun a good work in [us] will carry it out until the day of Jesus Christ". Php_1:6

Our hope of salvation is a confident expectation that God will finish in us what he has begun. That hope has for its foundation the internal witness of the Holy Spirit Rom_8:16-17, the historical fact of the resurrection 1Pe_1:3 and 1Co_15:12-18, and the ongoing evidence of our sanctification 1Jn_1:7 1Jn_2:3 etc. It is a hope based on objective truth, not subjective feelings, and gives us assurance that we will not be defeated in battle but will persevere until the end. That confidence is also "contagious", inspiring and encouraging those near us to keep their attention properly fixed on Christ and their hope in him Php_3:13-14.

6. Word - the uttered word of the Gospel

See Joh_3:34 Joh_8:47 Rom_10:17 Heb_11:3

This sword, the only weapon provided for the Christian warrior, is the “proclaimed word” (ῥῆμα) of God, the gospel. By using ῥῆμα instead of λόγος, Paul calls attention to the word of God in proclamation, not just to a written word lying on the shelf. College Press NT Commentary
Here we have the phrase ῥῆμα θεου which is to be understood in accordance with the proper sense of ῥῆμα as the spoken Word, the preached Gospel, and this in its length and breadth – not in the commandments of God only, nor in His threatenings alone, nor even yet in the sense of the written Word, the Scriptures. The sword is the only offensive weapon in the panoply. But it is indispensable. For while the Christian soldier is exhibited here mainly in the attitude of defence, as one who stands, in order to take his position and keep his ground, thrust and cut will be required. The preached Gospel, “the power of God” (Rom_1:16; 1Co_1:18) is the weapon provided by the Spirit for meeting the lunge of the assailant and beating him back. Expositor's Greek Testament

The answer which would most commonly and almost unthinkingly be given is, I suppose, the Scriptures; but while this is on the whole true, it is to be noted that the expression employed here properly means a word spoken, and not the written record. Both in the Old and in the New Testaments the word of God means more than the Bible; it is the authentic utterance of His will in all shapes and applying to all the facets of His creation...

The early Christian teachers and apostles had no hesitation in taking that sacred name — the word of the Lord — to describe the message which they spoke. One of their earliest prayers when they were left alone was, that with all boldness they might speak Thy word; and throughout the whole of the Acts of the Apostles the preached Gospel is designated as the word of God, even as Peter in his epistle quotes one of the noblest of the Old Testament sayings, and declares that the ‘word of the Lord’ which ‘abideth for ever’ is ‘the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.’ Alexander MacLaren (19th c. Scottish Baptist), Exposition on Ephesians

In Ephesians, however, when the Christian soldier wields the sword of the word, it is not first of all the word of judgment but the good news of salvation. r`h/ma here, not λόγος, refers to the gospel (cf. also Eph_5:26; Rom_10:18; 1Pe_1:25). This is “the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation” (Eph_1:13), “the gospel of peace” (Eph_6:15). This form of the word of God is also a sharp sword (cf. Heb_4:12), and the Spirit gives it its power and penetration (cf. 1Th_1:5). As believers take hold of and proclaim the gospel, they are enabled to overcome in the battle. And as regards the powers, that gospel does sound a note of judgment, for it announces their defeat. The paradox again is that it is the gospel of peace and reconciliation that is the sword that enables the militia Christi to advance. As the Church continues to be the reconciled and reconciling community, the gospel conquers the alienating hostile powers and brings about God’s saving purposes. Word Biblical Commentary

...this sword is the gospel (cf. 1Pe_1:25), God’s utterance; if you wish, the Bible, the entire Word of God. First it was spoken by him, and now his servants proclaim it to others.

...Soldiers for Christ handle the word, heed it, hide it in their hearts, and hold it forth among the nations. The sword, thus wielded, is “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (Heb_4:12). By using this powerful sword Paul and his associates had won amazing victories. And any victory that is being won today either at home or abroad is the result of the wielding of this sword. God is not dead! He lives and speaks in and through his message.

It is by means of it that man’s state of guilt before God is revealed, his sinful condition exposed. Through it, too, when applied to the heart by the Spirit, man is led to the Savior from sin, and to thanksgiving and praise. Through it doubts are dispelled, fears driven away, assurance of salvation given, and Satan put to flight. Hendriksen - Kistemaker, NT Commentary

Only God's Word is effective against Satan; human reasoning and language will be torn to shreds by the devil's subtleties. It is the absolute truth found in the Word that can conquer deception and falsehood. It is through the preaching of the Gospel of Christ found in the Word of God and accompanied by the Spirit that the greatest victories are won against Satan. God has promised that his "Word that goes forth out of his mouth" will accomplish his purpose Isa_55:11. He has entrusted this weapon to the church 1Ti_3:15 not merely to preserve in its manuscript form but to commit it to faithful men who will in turn commit it to others and thus rescue those whom Satan has held hostage.
The reason why the Church is called the “pillar of truth” is, that she defends and spreads it by her agency. God does not himself come down from heaven to us, nor does he daily send angels to make known his truth; but he employs pastors, whom he has appointed for that purpose. To express it in a more homely manner, is not the Church the mother of all believers? Does she not regenerate them by the word of God, educate and nourish them through their whole life, strengthen, and bring them at length to absolute perfection? For the same reason, also, she is called “the pillar of truth;” because the office of administering doctrine, which God hath placed in her hands, is the only instrument of preserving the truth, that it may not perish from the remembrance of men. Calvin on 1Ti 3:15
7. Prayer

The effectiveness of the armor is dependent largely on the supplier; yes, we have our responsibilities, but we are still totally dependent on God and his resources in order to wage war successfully. True, God has committed himself to provide for our needs but he has chosen to do so largely through the means of prayer.

See Mat_7:11 Joh_14:13-14 Joh_15:7 Joh_15:16 Joh_16:23-24 Jas_4:2-3 1Jn_5:14-15

God expects us to use the means he has provided to acquire the supplies we need; after all he has given us both command and example - example prayer Mat_6:9-13 and example practice Joh_11:21-22. For us to simply expect God to provide for us because he knows what we need before we ask it is presumption. Jesus charged his disciples not to babble in prayer since endless repetition will only make God's ears tired Mat_6:8; that does not relieve us from the duty to ask him to meet our needs.

No matter how complete the armor; no matter how skilled we may be in the science of war; no matter how courageous we may be, we may be certain that without prayer we shall be defeated. God alone can give the victory; and when the Christian soldier goes forth armed completely for the spiritual conflict, if he looks to God by prayer, he may be sure of a triumph. Barnes
About the midst of this valley [of the shadow of death] I perceived the mouth of hell to be, and it stood also hard by the wayside. Now, thought Christian, what shall I do? And ever and anon the flame and smoke would come out in such abundance, with sparks and hideous noises, (things that cared not for Christian’s sword, as did Apollyon before,) that he was forced to put up his sword, and betake himself to another weapon, called All-prayer, Eph_6:18; so he cried, in my hearing, O Lord, I beseech thee, deliver my soul. Psa_116:4. Thus he went on a great while, yet still the flames would be reaching towards him; also he heard doleful voices, and rushings to and fro, so that sometimes he thought he should be torn in pieces, or trodden down like mire in the streets. This frightful sight was seen, and these dreadful noises were heard by him for several miles together; and coming to a place where he thought he heard a company of fiends coming forward to meet him, he stopped, and began to muse what he had best to do. Sometimes he had half a thought to go back; then again he thought he might be half-way through the valley. He remembered also, how he had already vanquished many a danger; and that the danger of going back might be much more than for to go forward. So he resolved to go on; yet the fiends seemed to come nearer and nearer. But when they were come even almost at him, he cried out with a most vehement voice, I will walk in the strength of the Lord God. So they gave back, and came no farther. Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, The Fourth Stage

In order for us individually and corporately to be successful in the spiritual warfare we must wage, it is imperative that we remember:
  1. the protective equipment God has provided to us
  2. to faithfully and wisely use the offensive equipment God has provided to us
  3. to constantly and in every situation acknowledge our utter dependence on Him
  4. our brothers and sisters (the church) depend on our help in advancing the kingdom against its foes
Reprise - It is of vital importance to remember that none of these articles of military clothing and equipment are of human manufacture; such would be powerless against the "wiles of the devil". Each piece has its source in and focus on God alone.


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